Tuesday 29 January 2013

That is SNOW Annoying

(My cat's paw prints in the snow! <3)

That is SNOW Annoying
(For those wondering, the pun was intended!)

Every winter the UK sees some snowfall, whether it be heavy or light, so its no wonder we saw a weeks worth of the white stuff, just last week. What I don't understand is the constant media uproar that encircles the (un)expected weather, to the point where the BBC News did a 30 minute 'special' focused on snow. While I understand it may have been a slow news day, what is the need for this frenzy amongst not just the media, but people in general, or is it the media causing people to go crazy?

Many people are affected by the adverse weather conditions, as most public transport, motorways, and frankly the entire country shut down with a slight falling of snow, however why do we, as a nation feel the need to grumble about every little thing? The weather is under constant scrutiny, being either too cold or... too cold, (we only have one season all year round, let's be serious) but why don't we take this in a positive way? For those parents who got the day off work, I hope you managed to spend the day out as a family making a snowman or having a snowball fight. The fun in the snow is limitless and it's FREE! (Which is a plus in this economic climate) So quit the groaning, and have some fun next time the country is covered in a white blanket. I will definitely be outside, wellies on, sledge out!

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