Tuesday 24 December 2013

Music Video Review: Heart Attack by Demi Lovato

Artist: Demi Lovato
Music Video: Heart Attack
Director: Chris Applebaum

Demi Lovato is back, and many of us should be thanking Simon Cowell for picking her up and thrusting her back in to the spotlight where she belongs. There's no doubt she's got heaps of talent and I absolutely adore her as a judge on the X Factor (don't you?)

With the release of her come-back single 'Heart Attack', I'm so excited to see and hear exactly what she's bringing. It's no secret that Demi went through a rough time not long ago, but we're glad to see her well, and back to what she's best at doing.

I originally first heard 'Heart Attack' on the radio, imagining a cheesy Disney-style video to go with it; Demi in pretty clothes, being angst-y and fierce at the camera. Although the emotions are there, director Chris Applebaum has gone for a darker, Gothic look, that would more likely suit a rock song, than the pop song that it is. He's forgiven for that though, considering he claimed the video was reflecting the obstacles of her past, and what she's been through. Does he mean the very public Joe Jonas break-up? Hmmm... it is a song about relationships and love.

The imagery in the video is amazing, with splashes of black paint used as transitions between sequences, and random black motifs on the screen. I loved the iconography behind the black pain leaking on the walls, it felt like all her dark secrets were running down for everyone to see.

It's a very handsy video, with her hands covered in black paint being the focal point of some sequences. It seems Demi likes to use her hands when she's singing, A LOT!

I like the video, more for the fact that it's not just another video, but actually represents the artist herself. If you want to check out the video for yourself, watch it below...

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